Parks and Recreation is a television series featuring wonderful and hilarious characters like Ron Swanson, Leslie Knope, Andy Dwyer, and the famous, beloved miniature horse, Lil Sebastion. This blanket pays tribute to Ron Swansons character with many moods and faces of the character, with Leslie in the Empathetic spot. Because well, Ron isnt known for that emotion! Remember the great character with this soft, comfy throw blanket made of 100% polyester fleece. This is an Officially Licensed Parks And Recreation polyester fleece blanket.
Number of Pieces: 1
Dimensions (Overall): 60 inches (L), 46 inches (W)
Fabric Name: Microplush
Sheet Features: Piping Trim
Textile Material: 100% Polyester
Fabric Weight Type: Year Round Fabric Construction
Care and Cleaning: Machine Wash, Tumble Dry
Warranty: No Applicable Warranty. To obtain a copy of the manufacturers or suppliers warranty for this item prior to purchasing the item, please call Target Guest Services at 1-800-591-3869