Reno 911! is a comedy series on Comedy Central that is a mockumentary style parody of law enforcement, a satire of other Cops reality series. This blanket is a depiction of the shows main characters including Lieutenant Jim Dangle, Deputy S. Jones, Deputy Trudy Wiegel, Deputy Clementine Johnson, Deputy Travis Junior, and Deputy James Garcia. The plush throw blanket is made of an extra-soft and comfy 100% polyester fabric. This blanket measures approximately 50x60.
Number of Pieces: 1
Dimensions (Overall): 60 inches (L), 50 inches (W)
Fabric Name: Micro Fleece
Textile Material: 100% Polyester
Sheet Features: Piping Trim
Fabric Weight Type: Year Round Fabric Construction
Protective Qualities: Fade-Resistant
Care and Cleaning: Machine Wash, Tumble Dry
Warranty: No Applicable Warranty. To obtain a copy of the manufacturers or suppliers warranty for this item prior to purchasing the item, please call Target Guest Services at 1-800-591-3869